About L. W. Francisco III Ministries

Educating, Liberating and Empowering Through the Word of God

Bishop L.W. Francisco III has a desire to EDUCATE the body of Christ with the tools necessary to live a successful, fulfilled life in this earth. He teaches that in order to overcome, we must not only know the Son of God, but we must know the System of God!

Francisco also has a passion to see the body LIBERATED- free from the entanglement of religion and traditionalism that stifles purpose and snuffs out destiny. God desires a transformed church, not one that is conformed and powerless.

Francisco EMPOWERS individuals by teaching them to know who they are and whose they are. Francisco pushes us into the deep reservoir of God�s Word which gives us the keys (power, access and authority) to life. Through systematic teaching and anointed preaching, he mentors and equips the body to be God�s ambassadors representing Him with a victorious life. You will be changed by the books, media products, workshops, preaching and teaching of L.W. Francisco III as he Educates, Liberates and Empowers the body of Christ for Kingdom Living in the 21st Century.